Thursday, March 18, 2010

Adorable "Unique" little girl!

So we went in for our second ultrasound to check to make sure the baby is doing well and also to find out the sex of the baby. I was 19.5 weeks and usually they do it at 20 weeks so the technician said she was 85% positive it was a girl. We had a pretty good shot but then again sometimes I wasn't quite sure what we were looking at. For example Donny and I thought we were looking at the head, nope it was her bladder. We got to see her move around in 3D mode and it was the most amazing thing. She was pretty camera shy and had her little fist up by her face for a lot of the time. At one point she rubbed her eye like she was sleepy. So CUTE! It was amazing to see her move around and have the reassurance that she was alive and moving. The reality of parenthood really set in for me at this point. She was moving all around and all I wanted was for this little beauty to be safe and healthy.

On a more up close and personal point. I discovered something last night as I was looking at the ultrasound pictures. We got a cute shot of her little feet. Well she has this little toe that is sticking out to the side all funny like. Now is where the personal side comes in. I have toes that are...well let's call them "unique." One time I was making a poster at a summer camp and we stepped in paint and then walked across the poster. Someone explained, "who only has four toes!" I looked down at my own feet to make sure that my roommate hadn't lost it in the middle of the night and cut off one of my toes. But to my relief all five were there. Well something I discovered soon there after was that all though I had all five of my toes, only four of them touch the ground. I really think I should be given a special handicapped parking pass for this "unique" trait. So our little girl might be bestowed with this "unique" trait as well, only time will tell.

By the way, you are not allowed to click on the picture of my feet to enlarge it!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

It is a...

If our baby was born in Ireland it would be called a baineann!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Much over DUE update

Ok so some (Robinson) think I have slacked off from blogging so I have repented...well I am in the process of that repentance. It feels like ever since the holidays began we have been going like crazy. We had a great Christmas break. We feel so blessed that circumstances allowed us to spend so much time with family and friends. Donny finished up his finals on Tuesday the 18th of December. We are half way through!!! He studies so hard and is such a devoted student so this break was much deserved for him. I still had two days three days of school left so he was busy packing things up and taking our Christmas decorations down. I am always so sad to take the decorations down, this time since it was before Christmas it was ten times worse.

We returned home and resumed our fabulous and crazy lives. I remember one time when I was still living at home as a teenager thinking my life was so busy and thinking that as one progressed in age their lives got less busy...ha! My dad even warned me, but I wasn't a believer then. We do love all that we get to do. I was just called to be the ward camp director! I have always wanted to go back to YW's camp, as the director wasn't always in my plans but I'll take it. I get to work with some amazing women that are over the ward's YW. I have just under three months to get things together and well pray for me;) I absolutely love the YW of this ward! They are such great girls and just love each other. I am excited to spend that time with them at camp and play a few pranks on them as well. I am my father's daughter.

My parents were called to serve a mission in Adam-ondi-Ahman. So the entire family went home for one last crazy party. It was the first time in a long time that all nine kids were together. We have grown a bit since then so the house was full of excitement. Donny and I were so blessed to get to go home and be there from Thursday through Sunday. Some of the time we were home was spent going through all of the closets and storage. It was so fun to go through things with my brothers and sisters and remember when we wore that costume or made that hideous dress for 4H. As usual the little kids loved Donny and were always wanting to play with him as this picture shows.

It was a hard goodbye to make to my parents but I am so excited for them. Most people go on their missions and work harder than they ever had before. I don't know how one could work harder than they already to do. I think this is going to feel like a vacation for them:) They will be amazing at whatever they do!
Another fun adventure was having Kim come down to visit. We didn't get to see her for very long but it is always so fun to have family visit, hint hint. Tom, Ellie, little Lizzy, and the two of us met up with Kim and we hiked Squaw Peak, not the one in Utah. That's right Arizona has it's very own Squaw Peak, but I think Utah has other uses that was AZ uses theirs for;) It is so fun to have the beautiful weather at this time of year, it feels like summer.

At last but not least WE ARE HAVING A BABY!!! We are so excited and a little nervous to soon be parents. I am in my 19th week and loving pregnancy! Over the Christmas break was a different story. My mom was quick to pick up signs of me being tired or not feeling like eating a certain food and would say, "is it because your pregnant." I guess your mom knows you best and it was hard to keep the secret from her for very long. My students have been the funniest with it all. It's kind of a tricky thing to ask a girl if she is pregnant or not and they have been trying to find the "appropriate" way to ask me. I would hear them whispering things between each other about it. They would say things like, Miss B you don't have any kids do you, or how many kids do you want. Finally, when it was pretty apparent that I was pregnant, or just gain weight in a very concentrated area, one girl mustered up the courage to ask me the question. Still I will have to admit it was pretty gutsy. In front of all the class she said, "so there's a rumor going around that you're pregnant." I just smiled and said, "huh." They were all sitting on the edges of their seats (if only they listened that well when I was teaching them). I told them that I was and they all cheered. Then the word spread like wild fire, it is so fun to enjoy it with them. This second trimester is AWESOME! Besides my clothes fitting snug things are great. Donny is so great! He is so good to do all that he has to do and then help me when I need it. We are as happy as can be!