Sunday, September 20, 2009

Utah Bucket List

Utah has been home for us for so long and there are so many things that we love about it. We decided to compile a list of things that we either have never been able to do or just love doing. And since this summer we had a little bit of free time on our hands we had a blast. Here are some pics from our adventures!

Nothing says Utah summers like bonfires.
We both really are enjoying this.

The Alpine Loop...beautiful!

DEMOLITION DERBYS! A lot of noise, smoke, and rednecks.

This is something we will definitely do again.

Camping out on Parkway for the 4th of July
with Tenille and Shaun. It was a lot of fun until the
little hudlum fruitcakes decided to light fire crackers
all night by our tent. But we did have a great seat for the
hot air ballons and parade. That might be a first...and a last.

Timp caves.
First time for me, childhood memory of Donny's

Hiking Stewart falls, kissing under a waterfall,

and getting something nasty in my hair.


Lehi Round Up and Spanish Fork RO-DE-OOOS!

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