Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Funny story. So Donny went up to Utah for his sister's sealing. Sadly I couldn't go because I had one more day of school and then girls camp on Monday(stories to come). This was our first time apart since we have been married and it was not my favorite thing to say the least. Well after a long 6 days we met up in Kansas City. All my brothers and sisters planned a trip out to see my parents (pics and stories to come too). So Donny met up with my siblings in Utah and flew out from there and I flew out from Arizona. They asked him how I was looking since they haven't seen me since February. He told them I was HUGE! When they say me they said, she's not huge (thinking I was gaining weight all around) he did his best to did himself out of the hole he had dug by saying my belly was what was huge. Well here are the pictures of progression to hugeness.

Here is 26 weeks.

Progression to 28 weeks.

31 weeks and beautiful scenery to enjoy, if you can see around me.
35 weeks
And to date, 37 weeks


  1. Correction: You are still TINY, but that baby is sure getting big! It won't be long now, friend. That's awesome. And welcome back to the blogging world; it's great to hear from you again, even if I didn't nag you about it this time :)

  2. You look adorable. I wish I was only that "huge". By five I was gigantic. You look great.

  3. you are CUTE!!! so perfect Crystal. I can't believe how close you are getting. Will you send me your address please?

    I think I remember Ty digging himself in a hole the first time I was pregnant. I think it was weird for him to see me getting bigger. LOL. Now he gets it.

    Also my nurse this last time said something funny. She called the word "easy" in pregnancy/labor a four letter word if a husband says it. They're not allowed to at all...even if it has been "easy" on the mom.

    Check my blog...I had my baby last week. he's so so perfect & i am so in love.

  4. Wow you look amazing. Best of luck the next 2 weeks. Thanks for the wishes. I miss you so bad and i hope everything goes great. I know your baby will be the cutest ever till mine is born at least. hahahaha. j/k. Keep me updated and I'll keep checking your blog.
    Love ya,

  5. Oh my goodness! I don't know how I missed this post... you are adorable!! Looks like you have a basketball under your shirt... nothing else! Can't wait to see cute little baby pics!

  6. Your blog is so fun Crystal! It will be fun to see pictures of your little angel on here too.
