Weeks before our due date we moved in to a two bedroom apartment. Well we got moved in and got the nursery all set up (pictures below) and I finally felt
settled and prepared for our little girl to come. Before I was so worried that she might come before we moved because every pregnant woman I knew was having their baby at least four weeks early and I thought our little girl might come early...boy was I wrong!
My sisters, two of which are pregnant, came down the day after my due date. They were worried they might miss it, ha. Here are the three of us in order of due date, not necessarily largeness,
ok I am the biggest and shortest.
When they got here I hadn't progressed very much at all. So they were determined to
put me in to labor. We tried everything possible, I walked every waking moment we had, I did stairs, I
treaded water, jumped on a trampoline, swung on a swing, walked one foot on the curb and the other one off, and even took
castor oil (that was when we hit the point of desperation). One of the methods I didn't mind one bit. There are pressure points that are supposed to put you in to labor if they are rubbed. Here you will see me busy at work trying to go in to labor.
When we had given up hope on all the "traditional" ways of making someone go in to labor we tried a different method...relaxation. It was quite the site to see three pregnant ladies and one cute not pregnant lady basking in the sun. We enjoyed a lot of pool time, watched some chick flicks (D0nny's suggested it), ate ice cream and oreos, shopping at H&M, and naps.
Donny was so good to put up with four girls and be the only man in the house. I think he enjoyed it with all the meals and entertainment. He got some pool time too.
Well after a week had gone by and I still was at the same state that I was a week earlier Niki and
Tenille had to get back to their families and lives. What was supposed to be a week of delivering a baby and then adjusting at home with the baby turned in to a sisters week long vacation!