Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update on the Cuteness

I just wanted to share some pictures of this cute little girl...who really isn't little anymore. At her one month doctor's appointment she weighed 11 lbs 4 ounces! We are happy to report she is healthy and growing well. She is such a good baby. She is starting to interact with us, smiling and trying to talk. When she is done with her nap she just gives these little cries that sound like "Hey, come get me." One night Donny and I were talking about what she really is saying is something like, "Hey I know you're out there, it's dark in here and I think these animals in my crib are moving, you better come get me, Hey!"

Our little family at the Mesa temple.

This was after an early morning. She is so fun to cuddle with.

Donny is such a good dad, he can always make her smile and is so excited to hold her when he comes home from work and school.

Tuckered out after an exhausting day of being mauled at church.
Addie: "When are you guys going to do something with this hair"
Getting ready for bed.
Somebody was sad to get out of the bathtub...she loves taking baths.
This is what she looks like when we put her to sleep, but this little fighter always manages to wiggle loose. We will hear her grunting as she fights to break free.

(Don't you just want to rub that fuzzy hair)
All I can say is CUTE
She fell asleep sitting up on the couch next to dad while he was doing his homework, law isn't her favorite subject.


  1. Oh my goodness, she does look so different than her newborn photos! They grow so fast! Can't wait to hold her and rub that fuzzy hair!

  2. She is so beautiful. Congratulations you two.
